Appointments are normally made at 10 – 15 minute intervals. Some spaces are kept aside for patients with urgent issues, which will be dealt with promptly.
We do try to run on time; however we appreciate your consideration if an unexpected delay is experienced. You can help by making a separate appointment for each family member, if more than one is to be seen by the doctor.
To make an appointment, please phone or call in, and indicate whether the matter is urgent. Every effort is made to accommodate your preferred time and doctor where possible. Alternatively, you can book an appointment online from the home page of our website or via the Health Engine website or app. New patient appointments will require completion of a Patient Information Form, and are encouraged to arrive 10 minutes prior to allow time for completion.
Please also indicate if you require a longer appointment with the doctor for a full check-up, insurance medical, mental health related consultations, counselling, surgical procedures, full skin examinations, or to have paperwork completed.
If you are unable to keep an appointment, please let the practice know as soon as possible. We are often very heavily booked, and these spaces can then be offered to someone else.
You are most welcome to ring and inquire whether the doctor is running on time, although sometimes emergencies happen and this can not be predicted ahead of time.
Interpreter Services for hearing impaired patients or for language barriers can be arranged if we are notified prior to your appointment.